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Basic information about latte&jipbob
#101 1F, 70 Dobong-ro 76-gil, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea서울 강북구 도봉로76길70, 1층 101호(대운아트빌라) *라떼는 집밥
[Tel, E-mai ]
Tel : +82 (02) 980 1052 / E-mai :
[Bank account]
3333-09-6827126 카카오뱅크
We're still getting ready. If you're ready, please cooperate.
작성하신대로 접수하시겠습니까?
협동조합 라떼는 집밥 ⓒ 2004 2GGUM
Biz License 739-86-01983Tel. 02-980-1052 | E-mail. stigmaclub@naver.comAddress. 서울시 강북구 도봉로76길70, 1층 101호 Seoul, Korea